Two brief reports have recently completed in the context of an ESRC funded study on transport and climate change: (
The reports discuss the contribution that the social sciences
broadly conceived – i.e. sociology, human geography, political sciences,
innovation studies and even philosophy – can make to thinking about climate
change and energy use reduction in transport:
a) The first report is based on interviews with 20 leading social
scientists, and analyses how the social sciences can enrich transport research.
It is available at:
b) The second report proposes an expanded research agenda for
transport-oriented research on climate change and energy use. It can be
downloaded from:
In September 2012 a special issue of the Journal of Transport Geography will be published about theoretical perspectives on climate change mitigation in transport. This will include contributions by Frank Geels and John Urry amongst others.
Feel free to contact the project team with any questions about the project or
its outcomes. ( )