Antonio Ferreira, Greg Marsden and Jeremy Shires have recently completed their report in to the York Floods of 2012 for the Disruption Project. You can download it by following the link below:
Author Archives: David
Prof. Greg Marsden presentation at the Sustainable Development Research Network Annual Conference 2014
Prof. Greg Marsden presented the following presentation at the SDRN Annual Conference today (Tuesday 28/01/2014).
The presentation discusses the public’s willingness to change and how this is often under-estimated by policy makers.
For more information on the SDRN conference please go to:
Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute for British Geographers, 26th – 29th August 2014, London – Call for Papers
Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute for British Geographers, 26th – 29th August 2014, London
Call for Papers
Intergenerational mobilities: experiencing age in mobile urban spaces
Sponsored by the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG)
Session Conveners
Lesley Murray, University of Brighton (
Sue Robertson, University of Brighton (
With the proportion of people living in the world’s cities set to rise to 70% by 2050 it is becoming increasingly important to understand the ways in which mobile urban spaces are co-produced by people of different ages (Cresswell 2006, Urry 2007). Drawing from work on geographies of the lifecourse (Bailey 2009; Hockey 2009; Hopkins and Pain 2007) this session is concerned with the ways in which age, as a relational concept, intersects with mobile urban space. We are interested in the ways in which age is played out in urban spaces according to constructions of lifecourse and generation looking not only at the margins, in relation to older age and childhood, but at the dynamic interdependencies between all ages. Here, the notion of the lifecourse is fluid and connected and generation is relational (Vanderbeck 2007), intersecting with other social categorizations. Through focusing on urban mobile spaces that are the context for intergenerational mobilities, this session will explore these interdependencies and consider ways in which intergenerational mobilities are conceptualized and researched.
Potential topics that papers may address include:
Embodied experiences of particular intergenerational mobile spaces
Intergenerational experiences using particular modes of travel
Intergenerational cultures of mobility
Theoretical conceptualisations of the relationality of age and intergenerational mobilities
The role of mobility in everyday life in/between cities for different generations and across the lifecourse
Mobile imaginations across generations
Intersectionality – exploring the junctures of particular markers of social difference such as gender and race with age.
Research methodologies and methods that further understanding of intergenerational mobile spaces
Representations of age and ageing in mobile urban space
If you are interested in presenting a paper in this session please send an abstract to the session organisers Lesley Murray and Sue Robertson – by 10th February 2014
Conference information can be found at:
Presentations at the Royal Geographical Society annual conference
On 29th August, James and Noel made a presentation at the Royal Geographical Society conference in London.
The presentation can be viewed here: Mobility (and) practices: identifying the ‘anchors’ of daily (travel) routines
Local Transport Survey 2013
As part of David’s research he has opened an online survey called Local Transport Survey 2013. The survey is designed to assess sustainable transport planning at the local authority level. The survey initially focuses on the Local Sustainable Transport Fund bidding process before focussing on transport planning in general. To complete the survey please click on the following link Local Transport Survey 2013.
The survey is open until 30 June 2013.
LSTF Practitioners Workshop: Quest Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
On 16th May David attended the LSTF Practitioners Workshop in Birmingham. David provided a short presentation outlining the initial findings of the Disruption project to local authority officers. David also took the opportunity to highlight that the Local Transport Survey 2013 is currently open for completion by local authority officers and anyone working in the local transport sector. The survey will remain open until 30/06/13 and can be found by following this link: Local Transport Survey 2013.
A copy of David’s presentation can be found by following this link: David Williams’ Presentation – LSTF Practitioners Workshop May 2013
Disruption Papers USAR and UTSG
Disruption Papers USAR and UTSG
In November 2012 PhD student David Williams presented his paper at the Urban Sustainability and Resilience Conference at UCL London. In January he also presented a second paper at the UTSG conference in Oxford in January 2013. The papers can be downloaded by clicking on the following links below:
Williams, Chatterton and Parkhurst (2012) USAR Paper_UCL
Williams, Chatterton and Parkhurst (2013) UTSG paper_Oxford
Travel Disruption:Three Case Studies
Dr Jo Guiver from the Institute of Travel and Tourism at the University of Central Lancashire has recently completed a report for the Disruption Project relating to three natural disruption events in the United Kingdom:
- The Volcanic Ash Cloud in April and May 2010;
- The closure of the road bridges in Workington Cumbria due to flood damage between November 2009 and May 2010; and
- The severe winter weather across the UK in December 2010.
The report can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: Jo Guiver (2012) Travel Disruption_Three Case Studies.
Short and Tweet
Passenger Focus released a report in June 2012 identifying what commuters would like from travel companies in relation to social media updates. A full version of the report can be found at this site.
A Social Practices Perspective on Travel
David Williams’ presentation on his PhD work looking at transferring Elizabeth Shove’s ‘models’ from Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience over to a transport context. Presented at the UWE HEATING Up Behaviour Change event.
Social Practice Perspective-Disruption-David Williams-HEATing-Up-Behaviour-Change-UWE-May-2012