2015 MODEshift Convention

On 6th November ,the project team will be running a workshop on the ‘Fleximobility’ concept at the 2015 MODEshift convention in Birmingham.

Further details can be found here:

Modeshift is a not for profit membership organisation funded by the public, private and community sectors in the United Kingdom. They aim to secure increased levels of safe, active and sustainable travel in educational establishments, businesses and communities thereby engendering widespread travel behaviour change in the long term.

ESRC Sustainable Behaviour Seminar

On Monday 21st September, Tim will be giving a talk as part of the ESRC Seminar Series on Behaviour Change. This will be around the event topic “Approaches to Achieving Sustainable Behaviours” and will contain many references to the project’s ‘Fleximobility’ concept.

Further information on this event and the rest of the seminar series can be found here: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/bl/research/bsmc/esrcseminarseries.aspx

The series is organised by Bristol Social Marketing Centre at UWE, in conjunction with partners from Capita, City University London, National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), On Target Consulting, University College London, University of Bath, University of Exeter, and the University of Manchester.

Transport Planning Society Regional Meetings

On 31st July Tim will be giving a presentation on the project’s ‘Fleximobility’ concept to the West Midlands region of the Transport Planning Society.

The event will be held at Mott McDonald’s offices in Birmingham. Further details can be found here: http://www.tps.org.uk/westmidlands/events/id/0808/

It is anticipated that this will be the first of a number of presentations from the TPS regional groups. For more information on future events, please contact Tim: tim.chatterton@uwe.ac.uk

Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting

The Disruption project will be arriving en masse at the Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting in London on 1st and 2nd July 2015.

The project will be giving four presentations covering different aspects of the project as well as running a workshop covering the overall ‘Fleximobility’ concept that we have generated from the project.

The presentations will be:

Responses and adaptability to disrupted travel patterns – a questionnaire study (Jillian Anable, Thomas Budd and Tim Chatterton)

Spatial, temporal and social factors in everyday mobility and modal choice – 3 years of ethnographic studies (Noel Cass and James Faulconbridge)

Disruption as it happens – a selection of responsive case studies (Greg Marsden and Jeremy Shires)

Defining and delivering sustainable transport: who has the power to change the way we travel? (David Williams)

Disruption and Fleximobility at the ECEEE Summer Study

In the first week of June, Jillian and Tim took the Disruption project to the European Council for and Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study in France.

Jillian gave a presentation on “Rethinking habitual travel patterns – what might ‘flexi-mobility’ mean for sustainable transport policies?”, prior to a well attended workshop session exploring the fleximobility concept in an international context with the mixed academic and practitioner paticipants.

Moving Behaviours Events

We will be working with the Travel Behaviours Network (http://www.travelbehaviours.net) to organise two end of project engagement events with the Future Cities Catapult and the Transport Systems Catapult.

The events will be held at the Future Cities Catapult in London on Monday 15th June, and at the Transport Systems Catapult in Milton Keynes on the Tuesday 23rd June.

Further infomration can be found here:

Flexi-mobility Presentation at CTS Winter Conference

On 15th December, Tim gave a presentation at UWE on ‘Flexi-mobility: Helping LAs Unlock Low Carbon Travel’, and David gave one on “Social Practice Theory and Sustainable Mobility: An Analysis of the English Local Transport Planning as a System of Provision”  as part of the Centre for Transport and Society’s annual Winter conference at the University of the West of England.